Verb Hula hoop?

1 Antwort

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No, there is no hula hoop verb in German. In fact even in English language it is no official traditional verb, though you might find "to hula hoop" "hulahooping" "hoopdancing" instead of "using a hula hoop". Hula Hoop is nothing but a trade mark introduced in 1958 by the toy company Wham-O. There has been hooping all the way through history before.
In German the "hula-hoop" is called "Hula Hoop". There is no actual verb for it only Paraphrases like:
"mit dem Hula Hoop Reifen spielen" [playing with the hula hoop hoop ... yes it is tautologous, many say it, though]
correct would be "mit dem Hula Hoop spielen" [playing with the hula hoop]
"mit dem Hula Hoop tanzen" [dancing with the hula hoop]
Aslipin09  07.08.2022, 17:08
